Saturday, January 5, 2008

An easy crochete project for beginners

For beginner crocheters, it can be hard to find something to crochet that seems worthwhile. Here is an idea I thought of. Perhaps someone else had this idea first - I don't know.
You need 2 balls of yarn, two different colours if you want an accent or one colour if you want it to look line one.
You take the inches of a person's foot. My friend has a 10 1/2 inch foot. I crochet a simple granny square using a 6.5mm hook. I go around until I'm one round away from the length I am looking for. On the last round, you dc in each dc and you do 6 dc in each corner. For the spaces between the sets of 3 dc in the previous round, you crochet 3 dc.
You do this for 4 squares.
At the end of the 4 squares, sew 2 granny squares together and then sew the other 2 granny squares together.
Take your 1 granny square, now sewn together as a double layer, and fold it in half. Sew up both short ends. Leave an opening for the foot to enter the slipper and sew up the remainder of the top of the slipper.
They work up quickly and easily and make creating your first project fun and fulfilling.
Please feel free to use this pattern idea for craft, gifts or even to sell. We all need money and we all need some crafts to give as gifts. Please enjoy.

As freely as I have received, so freely I give. (The Bible)
Sheri Adams